9. The scientific aspect of the Congress is the responsibility of FISP. All related matters shall fall within the competence of the CD, e.g. choice of themes, structuring of sessions, conditions for admission to an active participation etc. However, the CD can delegate the whole or part of its powers to an appropriate body, retaining the right of veto.

The President of FISP is in virtue of his office the President of the Congress. He signs in this capacity the necessary documents, including the official invitations.

10. In view of the necessity of carrying out the decisions made in principle, the CD shall elect a Scientific Committee of the Congress, one half of the members of which are chosen from outside the host country, the other half from within the said country (or region), the latter being nominated by the host Institution.

The Committee shall consist of 10 members chosen as indicated above plus a President appointed by FISP, chosen among the members of the CD, and whose vote will be decisive in case of.a tie.

This Committee shall prepare the structure of the Congress and the list of invited speakers and personalities.

All its proposals shall be submitted to a final-approval by the CD, unless it has been previously authorized to decide.

In any case, official invitations shall be signed by the President of FISP.

11. The technical organization and the financial responsibility are left to a body as established by the inviting Institution and called the Organizing Committee, with its President.

The Organizing Committe assumes all the tasks of the preparation and organization of the Congress at the place where it shall be held, as well as such tasks which remain after the Congress, in as far as they are not the responsibility of the Scientific Committee.

The President of this Organizing Committee is responsible to the Authorities of FISP as well as the Authorities of his Country for the smooth running of the Congress.

12. As a rule, decisions as to active participation in the Congress by an individual shall be delegated to a board whose members shall examine submitted papers. Each paper shall be read by two or three experts to be determined by the Scientific Committee. The decisions of this board may be subject to appeal directly to FISP.

Papers received shall be divided into three categories:

    papers accepted for publication and verbal presentation (liable to restriction in length),

    papers accepted for publication only,

    papers refused.

13. After the last meeting of the Scientific Committee and continuing into the Congress, an Executive Committee shall assume, under the same conditions as above, the tasks assumed so far by the Scientific Committee, as well as establish collaboration between FISP and the Organizing Committee of the Congress.

The Executive Committee is elected by the CD and shall include one President and four members.



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