5. The opportunity to hold a congress depends on invitations addressed to FISP by an Institution, as a rule a Philosophical Society or Association. Such invitations must include sufficient information from the said Institution or its delegates to enable FISP to decide between competing bids. The Steering Committee (Comité Directeur: CD) of FISP decides, after examining the applications, on the acceptation of an invitation.

As far as possible, the CD will take into account the wish of the General Assembly of FISP, provided that the invitations have been received sufficiently early.

6. In order to insure the preparation, the scientific and technical organization, and the subsequent work of the Congress, an agreement must be signed between FISP, as represented by its President, and the Institution which has issued the invitation.

7. In that agreement, the host institution undertakes to guarantee the following:

    7.1 Unrestricted freedom of participation, irrespective of race, nationality, religion, political opinion or other such ground.

    7.2 The financing of the Congress in its totality, including the costs incurred by invited persons and a sufficiently broad presence of the Authorities of FISP. The financial details to be specified in a financial plan drafted by the Secretary General of FISP together with the President of the designated Organizing Committee

    7.3 That the premises necessary for the organization of the Congress will be available.

    7.4 That all, external and internal, information will be made available to FISP upon request.

    7.5 The publication of the Proceedings of the Congress

    7.6 That the host Institution shall honour the respective competences of the various bodies ("Congress organs") as established by.FISP.

8. The financial plan as required by Art. 7.2 shall mention in particular the obligations governing the participation of persons officially invited to the Congress, including the members of the bodies of FISP.



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