Round Tables

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Round Tables

The Organizing Committee invites proposals for round tables on specific topics.

Round tables would usually last 2 hours. They should include speakers from at least three different countries and are subject to the approval of the Steering Committee of FISP.

Participation in more than one Round table as well as multiple submissions are allowed. Submissions of overlapping panels are nonetheless discouraged.

To submit a proposal for a round table, please send a brief description to Professor Jacob Rendtorff ( and Dr. Flavia Palmieri ( using the official form. It will be asked to indicate a title, a tentative list of panelists, and a brief description of the panel.

Once your proposal has been approved, you will be kindly asked to submit it through the online platform

The following Round tables have been approved (regularly updated):
The Emplaced SelfLaura Candiotto (Czech Rep.)
Origin is the goal Anthropogenesis and the Crisis of Neolithic CivilizationCuomo Vincenzo (Italy)
Hermeneutics and Memory: Why there is no future without a pastBusacchi Vinicio (Italy)
PHILOSOPHY OF MUSIC AND THE PERFORMING ARTS: Ontology, Improvisation, Expressiveness, Interpretation.Lisa Giombini (Italy)
The Trascendental and its Metamorphoses: a Mimesis Publisher book series.Gaetano Rametta (Italy)
'Sol libertà può farci forti, sagaci e lieti'. Germana Ernst e la filosofia del RinascimentoAntonella Del Prete (Italy)
Tradiciones aristotélicas en la clasificación de los animales de América (principado novohispano, siglo XVI)Virginia Aspe Armella (Messico)
Philosophy of emotions: Shared Human SensibilityLaura Candiotto (Czech Rep.)



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