World Congress Regulations

 As approved by the FISP Steering Committee in Cres, Croatia, on November 22nd, 2011.


1. In accordance with art 2 (g) of its Statutes, FISP aims to sponsor a World Congress of Philosophy,

normally every five years. The present Regulations govern the decision to hold a Congress, its

preparation and organisation, and the conduct of the event itself.

2. The Congress is to take place in accordance with the principles and rules set out in the Statutes and

Bye-laws of FISP.

3. FISP is responsible for the philosophical aspects of the Congress. The financial and logistic arrangements are mainly the responsibility of the host Institution or Society.

4. The President of FISP is also President of the Congress.


5. Invitations to host a World Congress will come from a philosophical institution, which will normally be a member society of FISP. Hereafter in these regulations this body will be called the “host institution”. More than one Society may combine for this purpose. One of these will lead the presentation of the invitation.

Such invitations will be considered by FISP Steering Committee (CD) in the first instance, which will decide whether they contain sufficiently detailed information for the invitation to be presented before

to the General Assembly of FISP. If it is the case, the General Assembly will hear presentations of the invitations and will choose the most suitable bid. In principle, the CD will follow the indication of the General Assembly. However, under extraordinary circumstances the CD may subsequently vary this indication.

In case no bid had been submitted before the General Assembly preceding the World Congress to be organized, the CD will be responsible for the choice of an appropriate venue.

6. A memorandum of agreement must be signed by FISP, represented by its President and Secretary-

General, and by the host institution. In this agreement the host institution must undertake to guarantee the following:

6.1. unrestricted freedom of participation, irrespective of race, nationality, gender, religion, political opinion, or other such ground;

6.2. financing of all aspects of the Congress, which shall include the travel and accommodation expenses of the speakers and chairpersons in the plenary sessions and symposia as well as of the members of the Bureau of FISP, the accommodation expenses of the members of the CD of FISP, of the speakers of the endowed lectures, and of the two auditors of the accounts of FISP, and any further financial provisions that may be specified in the financial plan to be drafted by the President of the Organizing Committee together with the President and the Secretary General of FISP;

6.3 the availability of premises and physical facilities suitable for the Congress;

6.4 the availability of all effective means of communication between FISP CD and the host institution;

6.5 the publication of the Proceedings of the Congress;

6.6. an undertaking to respect and abide by all the provisions included in the present Regulations.


7. FISP will exercise, through its CD, control over the scholarly aspects of the Congress. It will approve proposals for the overall theme, logo, and subsidiary themes of the Congress, for speakers at each of the plenary sessions and symposia, for chairpersons of the Congress sections, for special sessions, and for any other decision concerning the programme and the structure of the Congress. The details of this work will be delegated to a sub-committee, to be called the International Programme Committee. It will consist of a chair and ten members, of whom five will be members of the CD and five will be proposed by the host institution. The chair will be a member of FISP CD. The President and Secretary-general of FISP are members ex-officio of the International Programme Committee.

At each stage in its preparation for the Congress, the International Programme Committee will report to FISP CD for approval of its recommendations. All its proposals shall be submitted to a final approval by the CD, unless it has been previously authorized to decide. Invitations consequent on such decisions must be signed by the President of FISP, who is also the President of the Congress.

8. Responsibility for all financial and technical arrangements will be left to an Organising Committee.

This body will have its membership and chairpersonship established by the host institution.

The Organising Committee will perform all the work involved in preparing and organising the Congress at its venue. It will also be responsible for the work which is required after the Congress other than what falls within the remit of the International Programme Committee.

The chair of the Organising Committee is responsible to FISP, as well as to the authorities within his

or her own country, for the smooth running of the Congress.

9. There will be a general call for papers in addition to those invited for plenary sessions and symposia. Submitted papers will be examined under the responsibility of the Chair of the relevant section. Each paper will either be accepted for inclusion in the relevant Section of the Congress or will be rejected.

10. After the Scientific Committee has completed its work, an Executive Committee will be appointed by FISP CD. It will consist of one chair and four members, of whom two will be designated by the host institution. The Executive Committee will take over the work, under the conditions previously defined, of the International Programme Committee, and will oversee collaboration between FISP CD and the Organising Committee of the Congress.


11.The International Programme Committee, the Organizing Committee, the Executive Committee, as well as any other ad hoc body to be appointed by FISP CD or by the host organization, will meet according to periodicity established in the Memorandum of Agreement. The costs of such meetings will be borne by the host institution. Between two meetings, they will conduct their business by correspondence.

12. It will be the responsibility of the Organising Committee to publicise details of the Congress as its preparation develops, and to assure an adequate international diffusion to the different announcements, calls for papers, and circulars of the Congress. This will be done through a Congress website, which will be updated at each stage of the planning, and through posters. The website shall include all relevant information concerning the programme of the Congress, its logistics, travel and accommodation arrangements, fees, and any other information that may be useful to potential participants.

13. FISP will also give full publicity to the Congress through its website. This publicity will include the general theme of the Congress, the themes of the plenary sessions and names of speakers at them, details of the different sections, deadlines for submission of papers, timetable, and information about travel and accommodation.

Regulations for Conferences of FISP

In accordance with its mission (Statute 2g) FISP encourages the promotion of conferences to be held under its auspices. FISP will help with the organisation and publicity for such conferences, and in return it requires that the conditions set out in these regulations be observed. These conferences will vary in size and in their range of philosophical focus. For the sake of simplicity these regulations classify events in one of two ways – 1) as a Major International Conference of FISP, 2) as a Conference of FISP. The title of the conference is, however, one of the matters addressed in the regulations.

Major International Conference of FISP

This type of conference should be on a scale of approximately half that of a World Congress. Its organisation and realisation should involve several countries and member societies of FISP, in which one may play the leading role. To avoid confusion with a World Congress, it should not be held in a year adjacent to that of a World Congress. The title of the conference should be approved by FISP CD.

At least three members of FISP CD should be members of the organising committee of the conference. These three members should be supported, to the extent that is financially possible, as regards travel and subsistence expenses. The conference may be combined with a meeting of the CD or the Bureau.

Details of the date and location of the conference should be publicised on the FISP website at least a year before its occurrence. Further details should be publicised as they become fixed, so that members of FISP societies have a good opportunity to participate in the conference.

Conference of FISP

This type of conference will typically be organised by one member society of FISP, although more than one may collaborate for this purpose. The title and nature of the conference should be notified to FISP CD, in order that its status as a conference of FISP can be assessed and approved.

Members of FISP CD should be encouraged to participate in the conference. The conference may be combined with a meeting of the CD or the Bureau. Details of the date and location of the conference should be publicised on the FISP website as far in advance as possible, so that members of FISP societies have a good opportunity to participate in the conference.



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