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In cooperation with other academic and cultural institutions
and organizations have decided to organize the:
on the topic:


The Conference will be held at the town of Rhodes (on the island of Rhodes, a famous
Greek island in the South East Aegean) from 7-12 July 2017. The main Conference venue is the
Mediterranean Hotel Conference Hall (35-37 Kos Street, 85100 Rhodes, Greece, telephone: +30
2241024661. Email Address: info@mediterranean.gr) which is located next to the splendid ELLI
beach in the North East part of the town of Rhodes.

All papers dealing with ethics and politics of Greek Philosophy will be considered for inclusion in the
Conference Program. As usual, our present Conference aims to bring together two main areas of research and investigation: The Hellenic and Roman philosophical heritage and the modern philosophical trends that grapple with the relevant problems of our age. Special attention will be given to papers in moral and political philosophy which investigate, among other things, the relationship of the philosopher’s views in the relation to the way of life.

In addition, taking in to consideration the relation of Rhodes to Hellenistic Philosophy of Greek and
Roman period (Panaetius, Poseidonius, Cicero. Seneca, Lucretius, Mousonius etc), the Organizing Committee decided to accept papers dealing with all topics of the Hellenistic Philosophy (logic, ontology, metaphysics, epistemology, ethics, politics etc)

Within this framework the Conference will examine the following topics and themes:
Ι. Greek ethical and political views of Pre-Socratics
II. Moral and political philosophy of Plato
III. Moral and political philosophy of Aristotle
IV. Greek philosophy of Hellenistic and Roman age
(moral and political philosophy, logic, ontology, metaphysics, epistemology etc)
V. Moral and political philosophy of Neo-Platonists

There are the following categories of presentation:
Category a: The presentation of original academic Papers by Invited Speakers (30 min.duration).
Category b: The presentation of original academic Papers (20 min. duration).
Category c: Short presentation of papers (15 min. duration).
Category d: The presentation of papers by graduate and Post-graduate Students-10 min. duration (Students’Session).
Category e: Presentation by Posters (Poster Session).

a.The Papers in Category a will address particular issues, evaluate research undertaken in connection with the subject they investigate in the last decade, and provide an overview and synthesis of various philosophical approaches related to the topic of research.
b. Participants who wish to be considered for Category a should express their interest promptly and state their preferences concerning the topic they wish to deal with, and send all the necessary information (a detailed Curriculum Vitae and a substantive Abstract of their Paper) to the Organizing Committee by 30th of April 2017 or earlier. Persons interested in being considered for designation as Invited Speakers should fill in and send out Form Νo 1A to the Organizing Committee (Secretariat@iagp.gr)
c. The Organizing Committee will cover the cost of board and accommodation for Invited Speakers during the days of the Conference. In addition, Invited Speakers may attend all Conference activities (i.e., Conference Gala Dinner or Conference Beach Party or Greek Evening, and Conference Excursion) without paying any fees (this of course does not apply to the persons accompanying them). However Invited Speakers should complete all the relevant forms and send them to the Secretary of IAGP. Invited Speakers are required to submit the final version of the paper, according to the standard Academic practice, rules and procedures, prior to Conference (i.e.by 30/6/2017). Ιn case of lack of the submission of the final paper, their expenses would not be covered by the Organizing Committee.
d. The Organizing Committee reserves the right to provide up to 30 minutes of speaking time to the Conference Participants considered as Invited Speakers, although their expenses will not be covered by the Conference.

II. In the framework of the Conference there will be a special Session (category d) for Students and Post-graduate Students of Philosophy (and of other disciplines too, provided that they have philosophical interests) where they will present their papers.

III. The official languages at the Conference will be Greek, English,(French and German). However, due to the prohibitively high cost of simultaneous translation, only the first two of these languages will be simultaneously translated.
The Papers should be submitted in one of the official languages: Greek, English, French or German. Papers written in Greek should be accompanied by a proper translation into another language, preferably English. More extended texts of Papers (15-20 pages or 6000-7000 words) from all categories (a, b, c d, and e) may be published.
Texts in their final version for presentation may be sent by e-mail as Word documents and in PDF format as well. Abstracts and Papers may also be sent by e-mail as attached documents in the above formats. Only papers of a philosophical nature will be accepted and included in the Programme of the Conference.

IV. The Organizing Committee and the Academic Committee of ICOGPC reserve the right to accept or reject papers that do not comply with the academic standards of the Conference. (Conference participants are reminded that only texts written in acceptable English or Greek will be considered for publication. If you have any doubt about the quality of your text in this regard, and in particular if you are not a native speaker of the language in which your paper was given, please be sure that it has been scrutinized by a native speaker (of PhD educational level or higher) of that language before sending it in).
Greeks who present Papers are kindly asked to submit an acceptable English translation of the latest version of their Papers which will be read at the Conference. This should be submitted to the Conference Secretary before the opening of the Conference ( by 15th June 2017)
All Papers presented at the Conference and finally selected for publication are copyrighted by ICGPC and cannot be republished without permission. So the exclusive copyright of papers to be published belongs to ICOGPC, unless otherwise stated.
Applications for participation of whatever kind must be received by the 15th of May 2017 or earlier. Applications should be made on Participation Form No. 1 and for Invited Speakers Participation Form No. 1A. Participation
Form No. 2 should also be sent no later than: 15th of May 2017. Participation Form No. 2 should be accompanied by an Abstract of the Paper to be presented together with an English translation in the case of Greek scholars. The Abstract should be written in such a way as to give a clear indication of the ideas and line of argument that the finished paper will be pursuing.
All participants will be notified by e-mail regarding the category to which they have been assigned.

V. All participants (except Invited Speakers) should send the full texts of their Paper for presentation (two copies) to the Conference Secretariat by 15th of June 2017.

Texts in their Final version {with the indication: FINAL TEXT TO BE REVIEWED FOR PUBLICATION} must be submitted no later than the 30th of August 2017.The next Conference step is the submission of the papers in their final version for review (Blind and Peer Review process).

VI. There will also be reserved space and special panels for poster sessions. Material planned for Poster Sessions should be typed on not more than two pages (size: A5). The deadline for applications for poster sessions is 15th of June 2017. Applications submitted after this date, but before 30th of June 2017, may be accepted if there is still space available.
Apart from other events during the Conference (see the relevant Forms), there will be an EXHIBITION OF
BOOKS (FORM No. 5) and especially books on philosophy (and of course books related to the Conference topic).
Authors of books, particularly those connected with philosophy, are kindly requested to send copies of their books
so these may be included in the exhibition.

The Conference is open to all who wish to attend, provided that she or he contacts the Organising
Committee and completes the necessary forms (No. 1, No. 1A, No. 2 and No. 3) and pays the Conference fee. The
Conference Fee must be paid by all participants. Persons accompanying participants must also complete the
forms and pay the Conference fee. The Conference fee (see also Participation Form No. 3) is as follows:
a. Participants: Before 15 May 2017: 100 euros
(after 15 May 2017: 120 euros)
b. Accompanying Persons: Before 15 May 2017: 80 euros
(after 15 May 2017 100 euros)
c. Students: Before 15 May 2017: 50 euros
(after 15 May 2017: 70euros)
d. Secondary School Students: Before 15 May 2017 50 euros
(after after 15 May 2017: 70 euros)
Conference participants are advised that cancellations cause major logistical, scheduling and economic problems for the organization of a Conference of this scope. Outings, receptions and other activities are seriously disrupted by cancellations and schedule changes. We ask that only those who are certain of their attendance submit the forms for participation. It should be noticed that there will be no refunds of any fees, nor are cancellations accepted. The Participation Fee for the Conference should be sent directly to our bank account data: Concerning Conference fees please also note that the transfer for any kind of fees is much easier if you (or your Institution) arrange a bank transfer (through Internet banking) directly to our account. We know that through Internet banking the bank charges are very limited. Our bank details are the following: Account holder:
International Association of Greek Philosophy, Address of the account holder: 5, Simonidou Street, 17456 AlimosGreece,
Bank: National Bank of Greece. Address of the Bank: Solonos Street & Hippokratous, 10679 AthensGreece,
Account no: 151296017-69, Account (in IBAN form) :GR0901101510000015129601769, SWIFT BIC:
ETHNGRAA, Reference (for registration ): Conference registration fees. The copy of remittance that indicates the name or names of the participants should be sent either by e-mail attachment in PDF format (Secretariat@iagp.gr) or by mail to the Secretariat of the Conference. Correspondence related to the Conference should be sent to following address: Professor K. Boudouris, President of the Organizing Committee, 29th International Conference of Philosophy, 5 Simonidou Str. 17456 ALIMOS (ATHENS)–GREECE. (Secretariat@iagp.gr).
Persons living in North America (USA or Canada) or in Europe may contact, if they so wish, for
information on matters relating to their participation in the Conference the following Academics:
1. Professor Gerasimos Santas
Honorary President of the IAGP
University of California -Irvine
Department of Philosophy
Irvine, California 92717 , USA.
Tel.: 001 704-804-6145.
2. Professor Thomas M. Robinson
Honorary President of the IAGP
University of California -Irvine
Department of Philosophy
Irvine, California 92717 , USA.
Tel.: 001 704-804-6145.
3. Professor Joanne Waugh
Department of Philosophy CPR 107
University of South Florida
Tampa, Florida 33620
Fax: 813-974-5918.
E- mail: jwaugh@cas.usf.edu
4. Professor David Hitchcok
Department of Philosophy
MacMaster University
1280 Main St. West,
Hamilton, Ont. L8S1W7,CANADA
Tel.: 905-577-8492. Fax: 905-577-0385
E- mail: hitchckd@mcmaster.ac
5. Professor Jeremiah Reedy
Honorary President of the IAGP
Macalester College
Classics Department
1600 Grand Avenue
Saint Paul, Min 55105-1899
E-mail: reedy@Macalester.edu
6. Professor Ronald Polanski
Honorary President of the IAGP
Department of Philosophy
Duquesne University
Pittsburgh, PA 15282
E-mail: polansky@duq.edu
7. Professor Lambros Couloubaritsis
Honorary President of the IAGP
Rue des Echevins 16
B - 1050 Bruxelles
E -mail: Couloubaritsis@ulb.ac.be
8. Professor Christos Evangeliou
Honorary President of the IAGP
Towson University
Department of Philosophy
and Religious Studies
E-mail: CEvang@aol.com
9. Professor John Poulakos
Honorary President of the IAGP
Communication Department
University of Pittsburgh
1117 Cathedral of Learning
Pittsburgh, PA 15260, USA
Tel.: 412-624-6567. Fax: 4126241878
E-mail: poulakos@pitt.edu
10. Dr. Aikaterini Lefka
Boulevard D’ Avroy 77/111
E-mail: Aikaterini.Lefka@ulg.ac.be
Persons living Asia (Japan, Korea) may contact for information on matters
relating to their participation in the Conference the following Academics:
1.Professor Hideya Yamakawa
Honorary President of the IAGP
Tezukayama 1-24-7
631-0062 Nara City, Japan.
E-mail: yamakawahideya2017@gmail.com
2. Professor Shigeru Yonezawa
Honorary President of the IAGP
1-8-2-1403 Takezono
305-0032 Japan
Chukuba City
3. Professor Park, Chong-Hyun
Honorary President of the IAGP
Seocho-Dong, Seocho-Gu
12-303 Woosung Apt
137-773 Seoul
E-mail: chhypark@yahoo.co.kr
4. Professor Dr. Hong-Bin Lim
Department of Philosophy
Honorary President of the IAGP
Faculty of Liberal Arts
Korea University
Anam-Dong, Seongbuk-gu
Seoul 136-701, Korea
Persons living in South Africa may contact:
Professor Anastasios Ladikos
President of the South African Society
For Greek Philosophy and the Humanities (SASGPH)
Any other person who has not already received the present Circular can get information (circular, forms etc.) related
to the Conference from the web-pages of IAGP: http://www.hri.org/iagp/ or http://www.iagp.gr
In the belief that this Conference will present an exceptional opportunity for discussion, research into and
clarification of topics of great moral and political concern, we hope that the Conference will also provide
participants with an opportunity for true recreation and leisure (schole). We look forward to seeing you in Rhodes,
the famous Greek inland and sea resort in the Aegean.
On Behalf of the Organising Committee
Professor Konstantine Boudouris
President of the Organising Committee
First Circular – September 2016
Conference Forms (for participation etc.):No. 1, No. 1A, No. 2, No. 3, No.4, No.5, No6, No7



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