
Showing posts from January, 2024

The 25th Edition : Circulars

Welcome  |  About  |  The 25th Edition  |  Submissions  |  Programme  |  Registration  |  Associated Events  |  Contacts PHILOSOPHY ACROSS BOUNDARIES AUGUST 1-8, 2024  XXVE CONGRÈS MONDIAL DE PHILOSOPHIE LA PHILOSOPHIE AU-DELÀ DES FRONTIÈRES XXV CONGRESSO MONDIALE DI FILOSOFIA LA FILOSOFIA ATTRAVERSA I CONFINI  XXV. WELTKONGRESS FÜR PHILOSOPHIE PHILOSOPHIE ÜBER GRENZEN HINWEG 第二十五届世界哲学大会 跨越边界的哲学 XXV ВСЕМИРНЫЙ ФИЛОСОФСКИЙ КОНГРЕСС ФИЛОСОФИЯ ВНЕ ГРАНИЦ XXV CONGRESO MUNDIAL DE FILOSOFIA LA FILOSOFÍA A TRAVÉS DE LOS LÍMITES  المؤتمر العالمي الخامس والعشرون للفلسفة عبر الحدود الفلسفة   Philosophy across Boundaries is the general theme of the 25th World Congress of Philosophy, that will be held in Rome, Italy, from August 1st to August 8th, 2024. Under the joint responsibility of the International Federation of Philosophical Societies, the Italian Philosophical Society, and Sapienza University of Rome, the 25th World Congress intends to foster scholarly and public reflections on the future o

The 25th Edition : SFI

Welcome  |  About  |  The 25th Edition  |  Submissions  |  Programme  |  Registration  |  Associated Events  |  Contacts SFI SFI The Italian Philosophical Society is the oldest and most representative Italian scholarly and cultural association of philosophy, based at the Department of Philosophy of the University of Rome ‘La Sapienza’. Established in 1906 and re-founded in 1953 (after being dismantled during the fascist regime), it brings together researchers, teachers and practitioners of philosophy on a national level, i.e. university professors, secondary school teachers, researchers and scholars. The Society’s activities include conferences and seminars, the organization of training courses for teachers accredited by the Italian Ministry of Education, and the collective development of new models and teaching approaches.  The results of this research are disseminated through two scientific journals, the Bollettino della Società Filosofica Italiana and  Comunicazione Filosofica. In r


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